سڀ درجا بندي


Horizontal Cyclone Technology
Less Weight, More Powerful

1.49kg Light Weight

160AW مضبوط سکشن

70 منٽ ڊگهو وقت

اسمارٽ ٽيڪنالاجي

H8 Pro卖点图-LED显示屏处

ذهانت وارو LED ڊسپلي

ذهانت وارو LED ڊسپلي بٽ بيٽري پاور جي ڪيفيت ۽ مشين ڪم ڪرڻ واري موڊ کي ڏيکاري ٿو ، بهتر صفائي وارو منصوبو ٺاهڻ ۾ مدد ڏيڻ.

H8 Pro卖点图-上把手处

اپر دستي ڊيزائن ڊيزائن

پيٽنٽ ٿيل اپر هينڊل گھٽ ۾ گھٽ ڪوشش استعمال ڪرڻ واري ڊيزائن کي استعمال ڪري ٿو ۽ فورئرم جي عضلات تي گهٽ دٻاءُ ڇڏي ٿو، ڊگهي مدت جي آسان خالي ڪرڻ جي اجازت ڏئي ٿو.

H8 Pro卖点图-电池处

70 منٽ تائين رنجمم تائين

7PCS 3000mAh big capacity Detachable lithium batteries, equipped with JIMMY 55% high efficiency motor, Maximum machine working time reaches 70 minutes.

H8 Pro卖点图-LED屏下

پيٽرينٽ هائيڊلڪ سائيڪلون

H8 Pro applies JIMMY's latest patented horizontal cyclone design, reduces curves in dust cup air path, improves air speed and eliminates air path blockage.

H8 Pro卖点图-刷头处

Auto Adjust Cleaning Power on Different Floor Types

JIMMY floorhead load sensing technology can recognize different floor type and adjust machine working power for more smart and efficient cleaning.

Patented Upper Handle Design

Light to carry and move over


Muscle stress comparison of different handle design


Strong Suction Power for All Types of Dust Cleaning


160AW مضبوط سيشن پاور

Driven by JIMMY 110,000RPM 55% high efficiency brushless digital motor, H8 Pro reaches 160AW suction power with

  • 110,000RPM

    ڊجيٽل موٽر

  • 55٪

    هاء ڪارڪردگي

پيٽرينٽ هائيڊلڪ سائيڪلون

Eliminates suction loss and blockage

H8 Pro applied JIMMY’s latest patented horizontal cyclone design, reduces curves in dust cup air path, which cause suction loss and big debris blockage. With JIMMY’s horizontal cyclone technology can greatly eliminate vacuum suction loss and debris blockage in dust cup.

پيٽلڊ دوئي سائٽون

Reduces suction loss

JIMMY’s patented dual cyclone technology efficiently separates dust from air and reduces suction loss. Comparing to multi-cyclones, JIMMY’s dual cyclone causes less air resistance and makes vacuum more powerful.

Smart Interactive System

Manage your cleaning work intelligently

برشول کي چوڌاري Hairاٽڻ بغير وار صاف ڪري ٿو

JIMMY has developed a combing structure on floorhead, which can prevent pet or human hair winding around brushroll during cleaning. Great for home with pets.

70 منٽ ڪم جو ڊگهو وقت

7pcs 3000mAh big capacity lithium with smart power management system, maximum machine working time achieves 70 minutes.

Removable Battery Pack with Two Different Charging Options


4 Different Modes for Different Cleaning Task



Auto Adjust Cleaning Power on Different Floor Type

JIMMY floorhead load sensing technology can recognize different floor type and adjust machine working power for more smart and efficient cleaning*.


گڏيل پاسن کان صاف ڪريو فلور مڪمل طور تي هڪ پاس ۾

50mm big diameter soft and hard hair combination floorhead pick up big debris, fine dust and wipe away ground-in dirt in one pass.


Versatile Tools for Cleanings All Hard to Reach Areas

بجلي واري گڻري سر
To remove dust, pet hair and dust mite from bed and sofa

نرم برش
For surface need more gentle care

2-in-1 Crevice tool
For furniture surface

2-in-1 Crevice tool
For narrow places

پيٽ جي نڙ
For hard to reach place

Multi-angle connector
For cleaning top of cabinet


استعمال ڪندڙ دوستي ڊيزائن

خالي مٽي جي پيالي کي دٻائڻ لاءِ هڪ دٻي جو بٽڻ

Easy to disassemble brushroll

ڌوئڻ ڌوٻي ۽ برش رول

ڇا شامل آهي



پراڊڪٽ پيٽرس
  • Product Name: JIMMY Cordless Vacuum H8 Pro
  • Voltage: 25.2V
  • رٿا پاور: 500W
  • سکشن پاور: 160AW
  • Motor: High Efficiency Brushless Digital Motor
  • Working Time W/Electric Head
  • Eco: 38mins/Turbo:20 mins/Max:13mins
  • Working Time W/O Electric Head
  • Eco: 70mins/Turbo:28 mins/Max:15mins
  • شور: 80dBA
  • ڇڪ ڪپ ظرفيت: 0.5L
وڌيڪ پراڊڪٽس ڳوليو

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