سڀ درجا بندي

ويڪيوم ڌوئڻ
۽ هڪ قدم ۾ ڇڪيو

Furniture bottom cleaning

Separate hardfloor/ carpet brushroll

ظاهر ٿيل ڌوئڻ جو نظام

سمارٽ رابطي لاء
آسان استعمال

سلور آئن
antibacterial پاڻي لاء
ڊگهي-مدت sterilization

برش رول خود صفائي

Separate solid-liquid garbage collection

Excellent edge cleaning performance

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ظاهر ٿيل ڌوئڻ جو نظام

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Voice reminding+LED screen

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فرنيچر هي clean صاف ڪرڻ آسان

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سڪل-مائع الڳ ڪچرو گڏ ڪرڻ

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ڊگھي مدت جي نس بندي لاءِ سلور آئن اينٽي بيڪٽيريل پاڻي ٺاھيو

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الڳ هارڊ فلور ۽ قالين برش رول ڊيزائن

Hardfloor brushroll for hardfloor vacuuming and washing; Carpet brushroll for all floor type vacuuming and carpet deep cleaning

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Self cleaning and brushroll drying function
نئين نسل جي مضبوط پاور پنروڪ موٽر

JIMMY HW9 Pro upgrades the magnesium alloy waterproof motor, which is fully sealed and waterproof. Motor efficiency improves from 35% to 50%*, making it easy to handle dry and wet garbage. Motor weight reducing by 35%*, JIMMY HW9 Pro is light to carry around.

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الڳ هارڊ فلور ۽ قالين برش رول ڊيزائن

Composite hardfloor brushroll + rubber strip carpet brushroll, combined with two cleaning modes, powerfully and efficiently solve the problems of dry and wet garbage on different floors in the home.